Sunday, March 13, 2016

Focused on the Future

You may have noticed that I haven’t been posting as often lately.  The primary reason for that is my new job as an English instructor at the Poly School Academy in Pohang, South Korea.  With this position, I leave my house at 8:50 every morning, Monday to Friday, and get home a little after 8pm each night.  This has limited the time I can give to writing and research.  My goal is to compose two postings each week (on the weekend), but this output may increase or decrease as the weeks roll by.


I recognize that I am fortunate to be employed and that I am currently living a relatively comfortable lifestyle, but simultaneously, there are many things about this position that I find appalling, but I don’t want to focus on that - I want to focus on why I took this position.

This position is a crutch - a way to move me toward my future goals.  It’s hard, long work hours and I don’t agree with the education system at the school, but it’s only temporary.  It’s an event that is a part of my life, but it’s not not the whole of my life.  It’s just a time that I’m using to get me to where I want to be.

Back to brain injury - it was terrible, frustrating, difficult, and at times seemed defeating - but it was also just a time.  The goal (and eventually the result) was that I would once again become fully active in the world and share my ideas in an attempt to better this existence for everyone.  Recovery can be merely a time to move you on to the the time that you want.

Life rumbles along, bouncing over bumps along the trail, but what needs to occur within a recovering person is the acceptance of this divot ridden path as a part of her or her history.  I do not like my current job and I did not like my brain injury, but both are a part of the experiences that have made, and are making, me.  At the same time, both these experiences are only part of what is me.  Focus on goals - the reason you want to recover - and see each step as moving you there.

This job is only a temporary snag in life - I’ll work through it and move to the next adventure.  Brain injury is a much bigger snag, but you’re alive and by moving forward, brain injury can also be a thing that you’re working through to move further along in the journey.

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